Objects freeze mid air on resetting position

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Re: Objects freeze mid air on resetting position

Post by coppelia »

Thanks for that information about a possible workaround.
Still very frustrating for us not to be able to reproduce that bug, thus not being able to fix that.
Are you running the remote API while this happens?


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Joined: 09 Apr 2020, 12:44

Re: Objects freeze mid air on resetting position

Post by m_jau »

No API is running.

I only drop shapes on the floor, make a deep image ,grip the shapes with the UR5 and move. I repeat that for 75 times(save the shape position --> move to a position --> load shape positions and set again), save some parameter on a csv file and then drop again the same shapes on the floor.

i think it happens every time during the proccess where i repeat for 75 times.

I hope I can help you with this


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Posts: 10504
Joined: 14 Dec 2012, 00:25

Re: Objects freeze mid air on resetting position

Post by coppelia »

Thanks again for the input.

You mentioned earlier that the problem doesn't happen with a minimalistic scene. Could you in that case send us (via email, will remain confidential) the full scene then?

I'd be very grateful for that.


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