How to run multiple instances in newest version of CoppeliaSim

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Re: How to run multiple instances in newest version of CoppeliaSim

Post by marcofe »

Thanks for your reply!

So, if I catched the point, differently from the modalities of legacy APIs, to establish N communications there is no need to instantiate N different ports, as the ZMQ infrastructure automatically enables an N-to-1 communication between the simulator and the N clients. Thanks for this clarification.

If possible now, please let me then take the opportunity to also ask a further question here, not related to the multi-channel communication but to the communication modalities. With the previous legacy remote APIs, it was possible to set different operating modes as blocking, oneshot (non-blocking), streaming/buffer.
From the documentation, it is not clear to me what is the default behavior to be expected with ZMQ remote APIs. Are they all supposed to be blocking? How could I retrieve a similar behaviour as the one obtained with streaming/buffer or oneshot modes on legacy APIs, for a C++ client?

Thanks again!


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Re: How to run multiple instances in newest version of CoppeliaSim

Post by coppelia »

With the ZeroMQ remote API, all API function calls are blocking. This makes things much easier and less confusing. Blocking calls are now around one order of magnitude faster than previousy. It however still makes sense to group certain calls or data, and you'd use sim.callScriptFunction for that (to send random data, and receive random data in return).


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