On the Problem of Parameter Position in the sim.addforce Function

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On the Problem of Parameter Position in the sim.addforce Function

Post by jiaqiYu »

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sim.addForce(int shapeHandle,float[3] position,float[3] force)
The position parameter in this function is written as a relative position in the official document. Is this relative position based on the object coordinate system?I have some doubts about the position of the force applied by using this function. If you could provide an answer to this, I would greatly appreciate it.

The following is my code to apply a force to an object(a cuboid):

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function sysCall_init()
    -- do some initialization here
    hcuboid = sim.getObject('.')

function sysCall_actuation()
The script was placed on the block, but the object did not move at all after running the simulation. But if I set the position parameter to {0,0,0.05}, the block will move in a straight line. The size of the block is 0.1 * 0.1 * 0.1

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Re: On the Problem of Parameter Position in the sim.addforce Function

Post by coppelia »


the function sim.addForce applies a force relative to the center of mass, so if you have an offset, that will be relative to the center of mass.
In your first situation, the force is applied at the center of mass and just not large enough to make the cube slide. In the second situation, the force is applied at the top of the cube, which will generate additionally a moment of rotation, and that's why the cube will slide.

Best is to try in a situation where there is no gravity to get an idea of what happens.


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