Problems with dongle detection under Linux

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Problems with dongle detection under Linux

Post by RalfR »

I tried to activate the Pro version of CoppeliaSim 4.6.0 using a license dongle and license number, but failed. The procedure (with the same dongle and number) works in a Windows environment. Under Ubuntu 20.04 however, the dongle itself seems to be detected by the OS (it appears when using lsusb), but doesn't seem to be detected when starting CoppeliaSim. The licensing fails (it still displays EVAL), and in the "Enter license number" dialog, the text still reads "machine ID" instead of "dongle ID" in the first entry, which is the only way I know to verify the dongle detection. Are there known issues with Linux ? Is there another step required for licensing, compared to the Windows procedure ?

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Re: Problems with dongle detection under Linux

Post by coppelia »


try with following (from the readme.txt):

Code: Select all

    a) $ lsusb
    b) Make sure that the dongle is correctly plugged
       and recognized (VID:1bc0, PID:8100)
    c) $ sudo cp 92-SLKey-HID.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
    d) Restart the computer
    e) $ ./coppeliaSim or alternatively ./

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Re: Problems with dongle detection under Linux

Post by RalfR »

Copying the .rules files does not seem to help. If I do it, CoppeliaSim seems to crash when the dongle is detected. It crashes at startup if the dongle is plugged in. If not, it runs in EVAL mode until the dongle is hot-plugged, then it crashes immediatelly. The corresponding error message (in the output) is:

free(): double free detected in tcache2

Which sounds like a memory fault.
Also, I never see the 'dongle not found' message which is mentioned in the README.txt file.
The VID and PID of the dongle seems to be correct in lsusb and the .rules file

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Re: Problems with dongle detection under Linux

Post by coppelia »

Then we must have built a new bug into it...
Can you contact us, and we will provide a temp key until we have solved the problem?

Edit: try to add following line, in file <coppeliaSimFolder>/system/usrset.txt:

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keepDongleOpen = true


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Re: Problems with dongle detection under Linux

Post by RalfR »

I tried a different computer running Ubuntu 20.04, and there it works as intended. On the problematic computer, I tried using different CoppeliaVersions (4.6.0rev2 and 4.6.0rev4), tried moving around the installation folder (in case of access problems), and played around with the .rules file, but nothing helped there.

I don't think I need a new key, as I can work on the other computer and intend to shift to the windows version. However, it is still disappointing that there are computers where CoppeliaSim doesn't seem to work.

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Re: Problems with dongle detection under Linux

Post by coppelia »

Try to add following line, in file <coppeliaSimFolder>/system/usrset.txt:

Code: Select all

keepDongleOpen = true

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Re: Problems with dongle detection under Linux

Post by RalfR »

Seems to work ! I can open CoppeliaSim now on the problematic Linux computer, and the dongle and license key are detected.

Thanks !

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