While following this tutorial https://manual.coppeliarobotics.com/en/ros2Tutorial.htm I encountered a problem with a Python subscriber/publisher code (for the reference, the same code but in lua works fine).
Publisher works as supposed, but there is problem with subscriber - as soon as something is published to a subscribed topic I get following error in Coppeliasim terminal:
[CoppeliaSim:error] External call to simCallScriptFunction failed ('_S.reifiedFunctions._f7f9915f82cf0'): error in script function.
What could be the reason for this?
PS I tried to change the subscription topic and send messages there manually (e.g. running in terminal ros2 topic pub -r 10 /simulationTime2 std_msgs/msg/Float32 "{data: '55'}" and variations) - error appears for each time message is published to the topic.
Python simROS2 subscriber not working
Re: Python simROS2 subscriber not working
There is indeed a problem with Python and simROS2.
As a workaround, you can pass the callback by name (i.e.
However, since you are using Python, the best option is to use official python bindings for ROS2, i.e.
As a workaround, you can pass the callback by name (i.e.
and not subscriber_callback
) and additionally you will need to comment out line 160 of lua/functional.lua.However, since you are using Python, the best option is to use official python bindings for ROS2, i.e.