About the rope in coppelisim

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About the rope in coppelisim

Post by ZnMnCr »

The recently added MUJOCO engine enables the connection of ropes between dummies. It is an exciting feature. How can I control the length of this rope? Thanks。

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Re: About the rope in coppelisim

Post by coppelia »


have a look at the demo scene scenes/mujoco/stringsRopesClothsAndSoftBodies.ttt:

Following are the steps required:
  • Create a prismatic joint
  • Create 2 dummies
  • In the dummy dialog, set the dummy type to Dynamic, tendon constraint
  • Set the linked dummy to the other dummy
  • Click Engine properties and for mujoco/jointProxy/joint, set the path to the proxy prismatic joint
  • In the joint dynamics dialog, set Spring for the control mode. Adjust the spring constant K and C appropriately
  • Now you can change the tendon length via the prismatic joint, with sim.setJointTargetPosition

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