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The serialization version is too recent and cannot be loaded by this CoppliaSim version

Posted: 01 Jul 2024, 14:44
by ubless607
The serialization version is too recent and cannot be loaded by this CoppliaSim version
I am running the latest version (serialization version 25) on Windows.
I have v4.10.0 (serialization version 22) on Linux.

Without any rewriting of the model file, is there any save option that uses the previous serialization version for compatability? Thanks in advance.

Re: The serialization version is too recent and cannot be loaded by this CoppliaSim version

Posted: 05 Jul 2024, 12:28
by coppelia

you should download CoppeliaSim V4.5.1: with that version you can read CoppeliaSim V4.7 written files, and you can write CoppeliaSim V4.1 readable files. Note however than a lot of functionality (e.g. such as new API commands, etc.) won't work in V4.1
