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Path Planning Algorithm with Threaded/Non Threaded Scripts Bug

Posted: 25 Jul 2024, 16:52
by Humphery7
I am having an issue with my program, i intend to run a path finding algorithm Dijkstra, now, i created a slider with xml, that changes the obstacles available, the issue now is whenever this obstacle is changed, the Dijkstra has to run again, i sense this is too much work for the main thread cause it crashes, i have read on threaded scripts, but i have an issue figuring out how to implement, like do I change this from a non-threaded to threaded script and if i do that, I notice certain callbacks don't work anymore like sysCall_cleanup(), which is important for my program, or do i create a separate script and make it threaded, move the Dijkstra, but if i do so, how do i get the path returned by Dijkstra and still use it in the sysCall_actuation() which will be in the main script, cause there will be two separate scripts now, honestly, i just need advice on way forward, any input is appreciated. this is the code:

Please Pardon the roughness of the code and multiple comments, it's still in development.

Code: Select all

import math
import numpy as np

def sysCall_init():
    sim = require('sim')
    self.x_scale = 3
    self.y_scale = 2
    self.node_radius = 0.05
    self.dummy_spacing_factor = 0.97
    self.random_percent = 0.7
    self.robot_handle = sim.getObject('/robot_front_based_group')
    self.leftArm = sim.getObject('/left_arm_joint')
    self.rightArm = sim.getObject('/right_arm_joint')
    self.leftWheel = sim.getObject('/left_joint')
    self.rightWheel = sim.getObject('/right_joint')
    self.proximitySensor = sim.getObject('/Proximity_sensor')
    self.velocity = 14.0  # Set the desired velocity
    #getting floor handle and dimensions
    self.floor = sim.getObject('/infiniteFloor')
    result, pureType, dimensions = sim.getShapeGeomInfo(self.floor)
    #print(f'result: {result}, pureType: {pureType}, dimensions: {dimensions}')
    parameter = sim.setObjectInt32Param(self.floor, sim.objintparam_visibility_layer, 1)
    sim.scaleObject(self.floor, self.x_scale, self.y_scale, 1,0)
    #getting object handle and setting position
    self.robot_handle = sim.getObject('/robot_front_based_group')
    self.pos = sim.getObjectPosition(self.robot_handle, sim.handle_parent)
    sim.setObjectPosition(self.robot_handle, [self.pos[0],self.pos[1],self.pos[2]], sim.handle_parent)
    # do some initialization here
    self.line_container = sim.addDrawingObject(sim.drawing_lines, 1, 0, self.floor, 99999, [0.0, 1.0, 0.0])
    self.point_container = sim.addDrawingObject(sim.drawing_points, self.node_radius, 0, self.floor, 99999, [1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    self.arrived = 0
    self.dummies = dict()

    x_offset = (self.x_scale * 5) // 2
    y_offset = (self.y_scale * 5) // 2
    for i in range(-x_offset, x_offset + 1):
        for j in range(-y_offset, y_offset + 1):
            x_pos = i * self.dummy_spacing_factor
            y_pos = j * self.dummy_spacing_factor
            self.dummies[f'{i+x_offset}-{j+y_offset}'] = create_dummy(f'{i+x_offset}-{j+y_offset}', [x_pos,y_pos])
    self.path = dijkstra_graph('0-0','5-5')
    xml = '<ui title="'+sim.getObjectAlias(self.robot_handle,1)+' speed" closeable="false" resizeable="false" 	 
    activate="false">'+ \
    '<hslider minimum="0" maximum="100" on-change="onObstacleChange" id="1"/>'+ \
    '<label text="" style="* {margin-left: 300px;}"/>'+ \
    ui = simUI.create(xml)
    speed = 0.25*speedRange[0]+ 0.75*speedRange[1]
    speed_scale100 = 100*(speed-speedRange[0])/(-speedRange[0]+speedRange[1])
def onObstacleChange(uiHandle, id, speed_scale100):
    self.path = None
    self.random_percent = speed_scale100/100
    self.path = dijkstra_graph('0-0','5-5', self.random_percent)
    print(f'path: {self.path}')
def create_dummy(name,position): = sim.createDummy(0.1)
    sim.setObjectParent(, self.floor)
    sim.setObjectPosition(, [position[0],position[1],self.pos[2]],sim.handle_parent)
    sim.setObjectInt32Param(, sim.objintparam_visibility_layer, 0)
    #To turn off the collidable property:
    sim.setObjectSpecialProperty(, 0)

def dijkstra_graph(start, end):
    class Graph:
        def __init__(self, length, width, dummies, random_percent):
            self.graph = {}
            self.obstacles = {}
            self.random_percent = random_percent
            self.length = length
            self.width = width

        def generate_graph(self):
            #generate random probability
            #loop over length and width
            for i in range(self.length):
                for j in range(self.width):
                    random_choice = np.random.random()
                    if random_choice>self.random_percent:
                      self.obstacles[f'{i}-{j}'] = f'obstacle {i}-{j}' 
            #if random choice is greater than 0.9
            #node is an obstacle
            for i in range(self.length):
                for j in range(self.width):
                    if self.obstacles.get((i,j)) == None:
                        nodes = {
                            "north": [i, j - 1],
                            "northEast": [i + 1, j - 1],
                            "east": [i + 1, j],
                            "southEast": [i + 1, j + 1],
                            "south": [i, j + 1],
                            "southWest": [i - 1, j + 1],
                            "west": [i - 1, j],
                            "northWest": [i - 1, j - 1],
                        for node, coordinates in nodes.items():
                            x, y = coordinates
                            horizontal_condition = 0 <= x < self.length
                            vertical_condition = 0 <= y < self.width

                            if horizontal_condition and vertical_condition and (self.obstacles.get(f'{x}-{y}') == None):
                                if node in ["north", "south"]:
                                    self.add_edge(f"{i}-{j}", f"{x}-{y}", 10)
                                elif node in ["west", "east"]:
                                    self.add_edge(f"{i}-{j}", f"{x}-{y}", 10)
                                    self.add_edge(f"{i}-{j}", f"{x}-{y}", 14)
        def show_obstacles(self):
            for key in self.obstacles.keys():
                sim.setObjectInt32Param(self.dummies[key], sim.objintparam_visibility_layer, 1)
                sim.setObjectSpecialProperty(self.dummies[key], 0)
                sim.setObjectSpecialProperty(self.dummies[key], sim.objectspecialproperty_collidable)
        def does_node_exist(self, node):
            return node in self.graph
        def add_edge(self, src, dst, weight):
            if not self.does_node_exist(src):
                self.graph[src] = {dst: weight}
                self.graph[src][dst] = weight

            if not self.does_node_exist(dst):
                self.graph[dst] = {}

        def get_distance(self, src, dst):
            return self.graph[src][dst]

        def get_direction(self, src, dst):
            x0, y0 = map(int, src.split("-"))
            x1, y1 = map(int, dst.split("-"))

            dx = x1 - x0
            dy = y1 - y0

            direction = None
            if dx == 0 and dy == 1:
                direction = 0
            elif dx == 1 and dy == 1:
                direction = 45
            elif dx == 1 and dy == 0:
                direction = 90
            elif dx == 1 and dy == -1:
                direction = 135
            elif dx == 0 and dy == -1:
                direction = 180
            elif dx == -1 and dy == -1:
                direction = 225
            elif dx == -1 and dy == 0:
                direction = 270
            elif dx == -1 and dy == 1:
                direction = 315

            return direction

        def dijkstra(self, start, end):
            def find_lowest_cost_node(costs, processed):
                lowest_cost = float('inf')
                lowest_cost_node = None
                for node in costs:
                    cost = costs[node]
                    if cost < lowest_cost and node not in processed:
                        lowest_cost = cost
                        lowest_cost_node = node
                return lowest_cost_node
            if self.obstacles.get(start)==None and self.obstacles.get(end)==None:
                print('entered if')
                nodes_except_start = [node for node in self.graph if node != start]
                costs = {node: float('inf') for node in nodes_except_start}
                parents = {node: None for node in nodes_except_start}
                processed = []

                start_neighbors = self.graph[start].keys()
                for node in start_neighbors:
                    parents[node] = start
                    costs[node] = self.graph[start][node]

                current_node = find_lowest_cost_node(costs, processed)
                while current_node is not None:
                    cost = costs[current_node]
                    neighbors = self.graph[current_node]

                    for n in neighbors:
                        new_cost = cost + neighbors[n]
                        if costs.get(n, float('inf')) > new_cost:
                            costs[n] = new_cost
                            parents[n] = current_node

                    current_node = find_lowest_cost_node(costs, processed)

                path = [end]
                point = parents[end]
                while point != start:
                    path.insert(0, point)
                    point = parents[point]
                path.insert(0, start)
                return path
                print("Start or end node cannot be obstacle")
                return None

        def dfs(self, start):
            stack = [start]
            visited = set([start])

            while stack:
                current_node = stack.pop()
                neighbors = self.graph[current_node]
                for neighbor in neighbors:
                    if neighbor not in visited:

        def bfs(self, start):
            queue = [start]
            visited = set([start])

            while queue:
                current_node = queue.pop(0)
                neighbors = self.graph[current_node]
                for neighbor in neighbors:
                    if neighbor not in visited:
    graph = Graph(10,10,self.dummies, self.random_percent)
    return graph.dijkstra(start,end)

def move_towards_path(path):
    robot_pos = sim.getObjectPosition(self.robot_handle, sim.handle_parent)
    self.dummy_handle = self.dummies[path]
    target_pos = sim.getObjectPosition(self.dummy_handle, sim.handle_parent)
    dx = target_pos[0] - robot_pos[0]
    dy = target_pos[1] - robot_pos[1]
    distance = math.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)

    sim.addDrawingObjectItem(self.line_container, [robot_pos[0], robot_pos[1], 0.0, target_pos[0], target_pos[1], 0.0])
    sim.addDrawingObjectItem(self.point_container, [robot_pos[0], robot_pos[1], 0.0])

    if distance < 0.1:  # If close to the target, stop moving
        sim.setJointTargetVelocity(self.leftWheel, 0)
        sim.setJointTargetVelocity(self.rightWheel, 0)
        return True

    angle_to_target = math.atan2(dy, dx)

    # Get the current orientation of the robot
    _, _, current_angle = sim.getObjectOrientation(self.robot_handle, sim.handle_parent)

    angle_diff = angle_to_target - current_angle
    angle_diff = math.atan2(math.sin(angle_diff), math.cos(angle_diff))  # Normalize the angle

    # Simple proportional controller for the wheels
    if angle_diff > 0.1:
        left_velocity = self.velocity * (1 - angle_diff)
        right_velocity = self.velocity
    elif angle_diff < -0.1:
        left_velocity = self.velocity
        right_velocity = self.velocity * (1 + angle_diff)
        left_velocity = self.velocity
        right_velocity = self.velocity

    sim.setJointTargetVelocity(self.leftWheel, left_velocity)
    sim.setJointTargetVelocity(self.rightWheel, right_velocity)

def sysCall_actuation():
    # put your actuation code here
    if self.path:
        point = self.arrived
        if self.arrived<=len(self.path)-1:

def sysCall_sensing():
    # put your sensing code here

def sysCall_cleanup():
    # do some clean-up here
    sim.scaleObject(self.floor, 1/self.x_scale, 1/self.y_scale, 1,0)

# See the user manual or the available code snippets for additional callback functions and details

Re: Path Planning Algorithm with Threaded/Non Threaded Scripts Bug

Posted: 26 Jul 2024, 15:07
by coppelia

I am not sure it is a good idea to compute path planning over several simulation steps, since from one step to another, the scene content might/will change, and calculated data might become invalid. So I would not use a threaded script at all in that case, and simply call a blocking function that does the calculation until finished, before returning to the caller.

The only time such a threaded calculation would make sense would be in case of a python script (running within or outside of CoppeliaSim via the ZeroMQ remote API) that operates on a fixed representation of the CoppeliaSim world, without calling any CoppeliaSim API function.

In your case also, keep in mind that moving a custom UI slider will generate many many events, and each one will be handed over to the callback function you have specified. What you should instead do is register the desired value in the slider callback, while setting a timer. Then, e.g. in the actuation phase, you can check if more than x seconds have passed , and if yes, execute the longer path planning command. This way, if another slider callback arrives, it will erase previous slider value and set another timer.


Re: Path Planning Algorithm with Threaded/Non Threaded Scripts Bug

Posted: 26 Jul 2024, 15:26
by Humphery7
Thanks so much Coppelia, for your insights, I appreciate, will work on all you've said.

Re: Path Planning Algorithm with Threaded/Non Threaded Scripts Bug

Posted: 31 Jul 2024, 09:26
by coppelia
In next release (ver. 4.8), you'll be able to handle the situation as in following example, since we now built-in 2 new API functions: sim.scheduleExecution and sim.cancelScheduledExecution:

Code: Select all

sim = require 'sim'

function performOperation(val)
    print('performing operation', val)

function sliderChanged(ui, id, val)
    print('sliderChanged', val)
    if timerId then 
    timerId = sim.scheduleExecution(performOperation, {val}, sim.getSystemTime() + 1)

function sysCall_init()
    simUI = require 'simUI'
    ui = simUI.create[[<ui><hslider on-change="sliderChanged" /></ui>]]
    sim.scheduleExecution(print, {'test1'}, 3, true)
    sim.scheduleExecution(print, {'test1b'}, 3, true)
    sim.scheduleExecution(print, {'test1c'}, 3, true)
    sim.scheduleExecution(print, {'test2'}, 6, true)
    id3 = sim.scheduleExecution(print, {'test3'}, 1, true)