Rendering seems to be very slow

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Rendering seems to be very slow

Post by alphaUser »


Even when simulation is not running, my rendering is very slow (more than 50ms for an empty scene). My CPU also seems to be busy at something.
What is going on?

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Re: Rendering seems to be very slow

Post by coppelia »


Maybe your graphic card is simply too old (several years old) and can't handle it. But I suspect it might be linked with another problem:

This sometimes happens with some graphic cards (typically Nvidia), and more often on Linux systems. There can be several reasons and several solutions. Most of the time, it is because the graphic card overrides the application's settings regarding the "vertical syncronization", or vsync. Make sure you have that parameter turned off (or turned onto "use application's settings") in the graphic card settings.

There can also be problems with drivers, specially on Linux systems. Please also refer to following post: ... der-linux/

Finally, you can try to experiment a little bit with the V-REP user setting file (appFolder/system/usrset.txt). Try to modify following entries, and see if you get better results:

debugOpenGl (prints rendering timings to the console or terminal)


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