Encoder parameters

Requests or suggestions for new features
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Joined: 12 Mar 2013, 19:38

Encoder parameters

Post by lbuchy »

First, I'd like to say that V-rep has been fantastic so far. It's intuitive, powerful and fun!

One thing that I would like to see various encoder sensors integrated into V-Rep. Currently, through the API, we have the ability to get the position of revolute joints which is what I am using to simulate an absolute encoder. With some additional coding, I have been able to infer the equivalent incremental encoder output. However, it would have been nice if this was integrated right into the simulator rather than requiring me to write a plugin since these are such ubiquitous devices. I would imagine somethng like this could be a selectable parameters on a revolute joint (an "Enable Encoder" button)

If implementing an incremental encoder, it would great to see selectable resolution (CPR) and perhaps parameters to simulate non-idealities in the encoder (bounce is the first thing that comes to mind).

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Re: Encoder parameters

Post by coppelia »


Well, this might already be a little bit too specific to integrate directly into V-REP. You can reach the same functionality very easily, without the need to write a plugin: just attach a child script to your joint, do your calculations and then publish the encoder value via various means: signals, tubes, etc.

That way of doing is extremely portable, since your script will be included in the joint object. You can then also set-up some encoder parameters (e.g. resolution) to adjust via script simulation parameters.


Posts: 2
Joined: 12 Mar 2013, 19:38

Re: Encoder parameters

Post by lbuchy »

Hmmm, this does look like a good way of doing it. Thanks for your suggestion, I'll try it out and see how I make out with this.

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