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Path Planning Module fails to generate the path

Posted: 09 Dec 2014, 01:55
by tn0432
I am trying to do 3D path planning for quadrotor to reach desired position. In the scene, I use quadrotor and 1 240cmHighPillar50cm column as obstacle. I use path planning module and set parameters as the following picture. It works! ... 0.png?dl=0

However, when I change the Obstacle to 'all other measurable objects in the scene' the module does not work properly. The planned path disappear. It looks like the module fail to generate the path!? ... 6.png?dl=0

Additional information maybe helpful. ... 8.png?dl=0

I am very appreciate if you can propose any ideas to fix the problems.

Re: Path Planning Module fails to generate the path

Posted: 10 Dec 2014, 00:06
by coppelia

I suspect following problem: the object you specify as robot is Quadricopter, which is a shape (i.e. a single object). But when you look at the model of the quadricopter, you will notice that it is composed by several objects (other shapes, force/torque sensors, etc). So when doing path planning and checking object Quadricopter against all other measurable objects in the scene, you will also check object Quadricopter against objects built on top of it (i.e. following it).
To solve your problem, define a collection that includes all objects in your Quadricopter model, then specify that collection as robot.


Re: Path Planning Module fails to generate the path

Posted: 10 Dec 2014, 02:35
by tn0432
I see the point! and it works now. Thanks for helping. I am very appreciate
coppelia wrote:Hello,

I suspect following problem: the object you specify as robot is Quadricopter, which is a shape (i.e. a single object). But when you look at the model of the quadricopter, you will notice that it is composed by several objects (other shapes, force/torque sensors, etc). So when doing path planning and checking object Quadricopter against all other measurable objects in the scene, you will also check object Quadricopter against objects built on top of it (i.e. following it).
To solve your problem, define a collection that includes all objects in your Quadricopter model, then specify that collection as robot.
