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Using ROS plugin under Windows?

Posted: 28 Mar 2015, 15:36
by SeveQ
Hi folks,

I'm running two systems here. One is a Windows system, the other one is running Ubuntu 14.04 with ROS Indigo (yepp, ROS is running on the Linux machine). They are connected via network. I'd like to run V-REP on the Windows machine because it's much more powerful and much more suited for taking the simulator part.

A while ago I was working with a similar setup but instead of using the ROS plugin I used my own remote API wrapper tool. That worked pretty well for a rather old robot configuration. Now with a relatively new robot I'd like to use V-REP's on-board equipment.

Do you think there is a way to get the ROS plugin running in a Windows environment while the roscore and all the rest of ROS is running on a Linux machine?

I'd guess, all I have to do is cross-compile the plugin into a DLL... but how?



Re: Using ROS plugin under Windows?

Posted: 30 Mar 2015, 14:57
by coppelia
Hello Hendrik,

not really sure about how to do this. If you succeed to install ROS on Windows, then the ROS plugin should compile just fine.
But for cross-compilation, it might be a quite difficult task, the ROS plugin relies on many other ROS libraries/packages.
I guess you are better off asking your question on the ROS forums.


Re: Using ROS plugin under Windows?

Posted: 20 Nov 2015, 20:42
by snakeplissken
I have the same setup (ROS on a virtualbox running Ubuntu, main OS windows). Did you make any progress on this?

Re: Using ROS plugin under Windows?

Posted: 20 Nov 2015, 22:13
by snakeplissken
Attempting this myself, not sure how far I'll get but I'll log the steps involved in case someone else wants to follow.

1. Downloaded and installed everything here
2. Confirmed roscore works and the test listener/broadcaster works
3.[Not required] Tested compiling the vrep source under Ubuntu using catkin_make, all I had to do was put the folders under programming/ros_packages in the workspace/src and run catkin_make, and it did it automatically
4. Now trying on windows, the procedure is different, ran winros_init_workspace --track=hydro ws to create the workspace named 'ws', then under ws/src put all the vrep folders, as I had done in Linux.
5. Tried running winros_make (the equivalent of catkin_make), get this error:

Code: Select all

+++ invalid workspace [no C:\Program Files (x86)\V-REP3\V-REP_PRO_EDU\programmin
g\ros_packages\ws\src/CMakeLists.txt]. Create a source workspace with 'winros_in
6. Currently trying to build just vrep_common, having issues with cmake probably related to my vc++ installation. Currently looking for issue...

Re: Using ROS plugin under Windows?

Posted: 21 Nov 2015, 16:17
by snakeplissken
To do it completely by the book i used the precompiled libs and VC2010 Express, with 32bit python. All seems to go ok until the linking stage and I get this linking error involving boost. However I have extracted boost libs to the correct place. Currently Stuck.

Code: Select all

rospack.cpp.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl boost::throw_exception(class std::exception const &)" (?throw_exception@boost@@YAXABVexception@std@@@Z)referenced in function "public: __thiscall boost::detail::shared_count::shared_count<struct boost::filesystem3::detail::dir_itr_imp>(struct boost::filesystem3::detail::dir_itr_ip *)" (??$?0Udir_itr_imp@detail@filesystem3@boost@@@shared_count@detail@boost@@QAE@PAUdir_itr_imp@1filesystem3@2@@Z)
rospack_backcompat.cpp.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl boost::throw_exception(class std::exception const &)" (?throw_exception@boost@@YAXABVexceptin@std@@@Z)
rospack_cmdline.cpp.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl boost::throw_exception(class std::exception const &)" (?throw_exception@boost@@YAXABVexception@td@@@Z)
utils.cpp.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl boost::throw_exception(class std::exception const &)" (?throw_exception@boost@@YAXABVexception@std@@@Z)
C:\Users\snake\ws\devel\bin\rospack.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

Re: Using ROS plugin under Windows?

Posted: 21 Nov 2015, 19:58
by snakeplissken
I also tried just using the precompiled library and just directly compiling the plugin, but it seems there is a difference between win_ros building and catkin building. I confirmed by trying to build the simple test program for ROS here but i get the same error:

Code: Select all

find_package(catkin) failed.  catkin was neither found in the workspace nor
  in the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH.  One reason may be that no ROS was
  sourced before.
If I could figure out how to build a simple project under Windows I feel like I could get the plugin to build too, but alas there is not much help online...

Re: Using ROS plugin under Windows?

Posted: 22 Nov 2015, 05:43
by coppelia

unfortunately we haven't gone into trying this on Windows. Sorry that we can't be of a big help here.
