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Posted: 05 May 2015, 09:39
by erenes

I am trying to using DirectionalTransceiver. (Two)
This antenna can transmit and also can receive, I think.

Transmit have direction. But Receive doesn't have direction.
There is a way to set direction for receiver?

Thank you.

Re: DirectionalTransceiver

Posted: 06 May 2015, 07:22
by coppelia

the built-in functionality will receive a signal from any direction. But what you can do is following: when you receive a message, check where the sender is relative to the receiver. If it is out of sight of the receiver's area, simply discard the message.


Re: DirectionalTransceiver

Posted: 07 May 2015, 13:59
by erenes

Thank you for your comment.
I solved simply like this...

Transceiver send Receiver's objectName.
and Receiver send itself objectName.
(When Receiver face to Transceiver, it can send data[objectName] )

It is like.. Transceiver tell "I can see you, objectName."
Then the Receiver know that Trasceiver is in the emmission range.
Only when two antenna face to each other.

Thank you.