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Which motion planning algorithms does simFindMpPath() run?

Posted: 22 Oct 2015, 08:49
by tor
Hi Folks:

What kind of motion planning algorithms does simFindMpPath() run?
Is it one of these known algorithms like: simple A* search or Probabilistic Roadmap Method (PRM) or RRT* or ...?
If it is a specific one for vrep, where can I get the (pseudo)code?

Thank you.

Re: Which motion planning algorithms does simFindMpPath() ru

Posted: 22 Oct 2015, 17:27
by coppelia

the algorithm is a randomized algorithm, based on RRT.
We are however planning to create a plugin that will support OMPL, which will offer many different algorithms.


Re: Which motion planning algorithms does simFindMpPath() ru

Posted: 22 Oct 2015, 21:22
by tor
Hi Coppelia:

+1 for the planned OMPL plugin.
We would be more grateful if you could tell us the expected released date for that plugin.
Thank you.


Re: Which motion planning algorithms does simFindMpPath() ru

Posted: 23 Oct 2015, 07:04
by coppelia
We hope to have a first version by the end of the year.
