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Remove an interactive GUI window associated with an object?

Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 00:36
by tor
Hi Folks:

I am modifying the code in <...>/vrep/scenes/forwardAndInverseKinematics2.ttt,
where if we run the simulation, an interactive GUI windows (associated with RedundantManipulator, cmiiw) will pop up.

I need to remove that interactive GUI windows.
I have deleted all lines in the script of RedundantManipulator that, I think, are related to the windows,
but the windows remain appear.
Am I missing something obvious here?
Where can we remove that interactive GUI windows (of forwardAndInverseKinematics2.ttt)?

Thank you.

Re: Remove an interactive GUI window associated with an obje

Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 18:58
by coppelia

to remove a custom UI, simply enter the custom UI edit mode, then on the left hand side of the window, select the UI you wish to remove and press <delete>.
