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Directing msgs in statusBar to terminal in headless mode?

Posted: 14 Nov 2015, 07:03
by tor
Hi Folks:

How to direct messages in statusBar to terminal whenever we run in headless mode?

It seems to me that if I get running-time error in my embedded scripts in headless mode,
I can not see the error message as if it were run with GUI (in which those error messages are printed in the statusBar).
Hence, is there any command/setting to print those statusBar's messages to terminal?

Thank you,

Re: Directing msgs in statusBar to terminal in headless mode

Posted: 14 Nov 2015, 17:57
by coppelia
Hello Tor,

you are right, in next release (i.e. V3.2.3, scheduled to be out within 5-10 days), you will be able to set the value redirectStatusbarMsgToConsoleInHeadlessMode to true in the configuration file system/usrset.txt.
