How to run multi-query motion planning?

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How to run multi-query motion planning?

Post by tor »

Hi Folks:

Is there a way to do multi-query motion planning in vrep?
By multi-query, I mean a motion planner that builds a roadmap of the entire environment, for example PRM.

I am aware of phase2 nodes that the existing motion planner plugin generates,
is there a way to use those nodes for multi-query motion planning?
are phase2 nodes connected in a graph forming the roadmap?
if so, how to retrieve that?

FYI: From this: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=4447
we know that currently simFindMpPath() is based on RRT, which is a single-query motion planner.

Thank you.

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Re: How to run multi-query motion planning?

Post by coppelia »

Hello Tor,

There will be a first version of an OMPL plugin for V-REP ready by end of december. With that plugin, you will have much more flexibility, use various algorithms and do everything from within a script in a flexible way.


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