Reset scene

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Posts: 13
Joined: 15 Feb 2013, 11:19

Reset scene

Post by Pouya »


It would be cool to have button in the file menu to reset the scene. It should basically close the current scene (without saving) and load it again (at its last saved version).
It is particularly useful when users are testing something in a try-and-fail fashion.


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Re: Reset scene

Post by coppelia »

Hello Pouya,

not sure a button would be used by that many people. But you can do:

[Menu bar --> File --> close scene]
[Menu bar --> File --> open recent scene --> first entry]


Posts: 186
Joined: 11 Feb 2013, 16:39

Re: Reset scene

Post by Eric »

Hi Pouya,

As it was said, not sure that would be useful for many people and that s why we have add ons!
Please find here the add on that does just what you wished.
Just uncompact the zip file into the root of V-REP (where you can find addOnDemoUi.ttb file)



PS: feel free to modify the add on for example to remove the confirmation box.

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