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Python to Executable

Posted: 11 Mar 2016, 00:33
by jarelias

I have a simulation controller written in Python. I want to create an executable (.exe) but I'm having problems with the libraries from vrep. I have fallowed some procedures from different websites with no success. I’m afraid that vrep library may not be supported by the software that convert python to executable. Some converter websites have list of the third party libraries they support but I have not seen vrep on any of them. I believe it has to be possible somehow because the code runs with no problem when the python script is executed.

Does anybody have any experience on this topic. It would be appreciated some direction about anything you have done before.

Thank you

Re: Python to Executable

Posted: 11 Mar 2016, 10:11
by coppelia
Unfortunately we have no experience with that. But that should be feasable, since the only dependency would be a c library file (the dll, so or dylib).


Re: Python to Executable

Posted: 15 Mar 2016, 22:19
by jarelias
After some trials i could do it.

In case you face the same problem I let you know that I used py2exe software following their procedure but making sure that:

- Files, vrep.pyc,, vrepConst.pyc must be in the same location as the python script you want to convert
- remoteApi.dll has to be in dist folder.


Re: Python to Executable

Posted: 16 Mar 2016, 10:31
by coppelia
Thanks for the clarification!
