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in Vrep a robot controlled by Falcon Novint

Posted: 01 Apr 2016, 23:22
by grindrise
Hello everyone,

I would like to ask help. I am building my degree project and I need to controll a robot by Falcon Novint controller. I have been trying to do it for a long time in ubuntu with ROS but unfortunately I can not.
Please if you have some ideas or something which can help pls tell me.
Thank you.

Have a nice day.

Re: in Vrep a robot controlled by Falcon Novint

Posted: 02 Apr 2016, 10:28
by marek_g
First of all, you need to tell us, what you have already tired: "it does not work" means nothing for us, unfortunately.
If you were using ROS, are you able to receive data via rviz? For now it is important to understand, which part is not working.

Re: in Vrep a robot controlled by Falcon Novint

Posted: 02 Apr 2016, 10:39
by grindrise

First I am beginner in this.

I was trying to install ROS I did "1.Installing and Configuring Your ROS Environment" part

I started the second one "Navigating the ROS Filesystem"
But when i need to write the first command it says that there is no that file.

Is there any other to use Falcon as a controller in V-rep?
I am afraid of i am not going to be ready with this Ros/V-rep/Falcon stuff.

Re: in Vrep a robot controlled by Falcon Novint

Posted: 03 Apr 2016, 07:25
by marek_g
If your first command is:

Code: Select all

$ sudo apt-get install ros-<distro>-ros-tutorials
you need to replace <distro> with the name of your ROS distribution (check what is folder name in /opt/ros/ . It should be something like hydro or indygo.
Anyway, this is not related to V-REP (yet). Maybe it is better to ask ROS Community for help, until you will be sure, that your ROS is ready. Their Q&A is:

Re: in Vrep a robot controlled by Falcon Novint

Posted: 03 Apr 2016, 08:28
by grindrise

That ROS is totally installed.
Can you tell me what can i do to be more close to control a robot in V-rep by Falcon?
Btw. thank you for helping its kind of you.

have a nice day.

Re: in Vrep a robot controlled by Falcon Novint

Posted: 03 Apr 2016, 08:47
by marek_g
First of all, you need to be sure if ROS is able to communicate with nodes - you may try with examples in tutorial.
Then, follow this tutorial: ... torial.htm (you need to select your ROS distribution).

Re: in Vrep a robot controlled by Falcon Novint

Posted: 03 Apr 2016, 16:15
by grindrise
It works how can i use falcon for this?

//I have a problem: catkin_make is working but if i want a build a package with "catkin_make" (vrep_ros_bridge) It did not find
here is a Print scr you could see. ... 2016_0.png

on the other hand:
*what kind of interfaces are avaiable for Falcon?
*Is there ROS node (indigo) for Falcon?
*In V-rep the robotic arm (kuka/fanuc) what kind of interfaces should i use to move them?
Could you tell me them?

Re: in Vrep a robot controlled by Falcon Novint

Posted: 04 Apr 2016, 08:13
by coppelia

first of all, vrep_ros_bridge was not developed by us and is not the official ROS plugin for V-REP.
Then, the current ROS interface for V-REP can be used, but in next release there will be an additional ROS interface that calcs almost 1:1 on the ROS C++ api.

Then, as Marek also mentioned it, we cannot solve your general problems. We can give you an overview of how things work, but the forum works best if you ask very precise questions and maybe also show some minimalistic scene that illustrates your problem. Since you are trying to achieve something fairly complex, make sure to go step-by-step, solving individual problems first, trying things out, and only in the end, combining everything together.


Re: in Vrep a robot controlled by Falcon Novint

Posted: 04 Apr 2016, 08:37
by grindrise

I am trying with that what you wrote. Thank you for it.
Yeah I know i asked so much just i am beginner and everything is new for me.
I was able to managed the ROS part fully.

thanks for everything.

Have a nice day.

If I am done with "current ROS interface for V-REP ", could you tell me what should be the next to use falcon?

Re: in Vrep a robot controlled by Falcon Novint

Posted: 05 Apr 2016, 09:30
by coppelia
The next step would be to connect your falcon and try to use the demo model Models/other/Interface to haptic device.ttm
