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How do I compile the plugins for VREP and ROS?

Posted: 25 May 2016, 23:55
by Space
Hi I am trying to work on ROS and VREP for my simulation.
But it seems like my VREP doesn't load the ROS plugins and after following many tutorials, i am getting tired.
Can you please let me know how to do it? also as I said i followed the Coppelia Ros tutorials and many others!!


Re: How do I compile the plugins for VREP and ROS?

Posted: 26 May 2016, 10:56
by coppelia

can you tell me what your console looks like just after starting V-REP? Also, make sure that rosCore is running before you start V-REP.


Re: How do I compile the plugins for VREP and ROS?

Posted: 26 May 2016, 21:40
by Space

Yes roscore is already running when i launch VREP here the snapshots :

here is the dropbox url : ... eFwta?dl=0


Re: How do I compile the plugins for VREP and ROS?

Posted: 27 May 2016, 08:31
by coppelia
Well, I noticed 2 things:
  • You are not using the last V-REP release (i.e. 3.3.1). The new and improved ROS interface is available only from that release on. So make sure to download and install it.
  • The console doesn't mention anything about a ROS interface. This is normal since you will have to put the plugin in place (in last release, the compiled ROS plugins are located in folder compiledRosPlugins.

Re: How do I compile the plugins for VREP and ROS?

Posted: 27 May 2016, 13:37
by Space
thank you for your replay
i downloaded the last version of VREP but what do i have to do with the plugins? where to put them?

thank you!

Re: How do I compile the plugins for VREP and ROS?

Posted: 28 May 2016, 14:38
by coppelia
You have to place the plugin in the main V-REP folder, where and are located.

The ROS tutorial has changed a little bit since release 3.3.1, so make sure to read it again.


Re: How do I compile the plugins for VREP and ROS?

Posted: 29 May 2016, 10:38
by Space

i downloaded and install teh new version and ROS is looaded but the plugins are not. i tried to follow your tutorial but really not clear for a beginner on ubuntu!!

so how do i make sure that ros is aware about the plugins and that roscd reconized the plugin

Re: How do I compile the plugins for VREP and ROS?

Posted: 30 May 2016, 16:07
by kleinash
Space wrote:Hi,

i downloaded and install teh new version and ROS is looaded but the plugins are not. i tried to follow your tutorial but really not clear for a beginner on ubuntu!!

so how do i make sure that ros is aware about the plugins and that roscd reconized the plugin

You need to have gone through the ros tutorials to answer that question. If you have a catkin_ws/src you should be able to run catkin_make in the catkin_ws/. Then you have to tell your environment that you are working in your catkin_ws by running $ source catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash then you copy all the ros_packages into the catkin_ws/src/ folder and go back up to catkin_ws and run catkin_make again. But even before you run catkin_make you should be able to roscd ...