Contrain motion to certain DOF

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Contrain motion to certain DOF

Post by xli4217 »

Hi, as per the title, I was wondering if there's a quick way to constrain the motion of my robot to say only move in the z direction and fix the other 2 translational and 3 rotational DOFs.

Thank you

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Re: Contrain motion to certain DOF

Post by coppelia »


it depends on what type of simulation you have. I guess you are having a dynamic simulation. In that case, you will have to use additional masses/joints to constrain the movement of your dynamic object/model.

Imagine you have a humanoid robot, with a hirarchy like:

Code: Select all

torso --> leftLegJoint1 --> ...
      --> rightLegJoint1 --> ...
      --> ...
If you want to forbid rotation and keep the robot in a vertical plane (i.e. only being able to walk forward/backward), then you have 2 possibilities:

1. Use 2 auxiliary joints and masses:

Code: Select all

anchor --> prismaticJoint1 --> auxMass1 --> prismaticJoint2 --> torso
2. Use 1 auxiliary joint and mass:

Code: Select all

anchor --> sphericalJoint --> torso
The second solution works better since simpler, but the robot will walk in a circle motion around the spherical joint. If you put the spherical joint very far from the torso, then it could appear as walking in a straight motion.

Have a look at this video that uses technique number 2.


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Re: Contrain motion to certain DOF

Post by horsefacelee »

I wonder does the anchor means floor?
like the "resizableFloor when we build the model?

Also, how can you define a spherical joint between robot and floor while that robot could still move freely? I tried and it looks like there is a fix radius between robot and the joint.

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Re: Contrain motion to certain DOF

Post by coppelia »

Yes, the anchor could be the floor. At least a static shape.
And yes, if you use the simpler version with a spherical joint, then your robot would walk around the spherical joint in a circular movement.
But if you use two prismatic joints as described further up, then your robot could walk constrained in a plane.


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