Use of CUDA architecture

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Use of CUDA architecture

Post by Billie1123 »


The simulation I am working on uses several vision sensors such as LIDAR, stereo cameras, etc, which makes the simulation slow.
Recently, I have read about the parallel computing capability of many NVIDIA cards, CUDA. V-REP does not seem to make use of this feature, since I have CUDA installed and my GPU utilization barely reaches a 30% at maximum demand.

Apparently, in other applications, the use of this technology results in a drastic increment of the performance, so it might be a good way to handle vision related calculations.

Could V-REP make use of this technology? Is V-REP expected to fully support these kind of graphic cards?


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Re: Use of CUDA architecture

Post by coppelia »


this is planned, but is not of highest priority since speed is less our focus than functionality and flexibility.



Re: Use of CUDA architecture

Post by Billie1123 »

Ok, good to know. It was just a curiosity for the long term, it's not a critical aspect.


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Re: Use of CUDA architecture

Post by ravi »

Wondering if CUDA support is available? Any updates, please?

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Re: Use of CUDA architecture

Post by coppelia »

Still same status...


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