100 revolute joints

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100 revolute joints

Post by riczan »

Hi there,

I've a chain of 100 revolute joints linked through cylinder shapes (like a rope) which is hang in the air and hit by another object.
Now, my problem is that any adjustment in the position range, max torque and PID gains doesn't modify the simulation and the interaction with the object.

For example, I expect to obtain a "stiff" object (like a bar) by setting the position range approximately to 0[deg], the max torque = 1.0e+10[N*m] and the proportional parameter of the PID high enough (let's say 1000).

Am I doing something wrong?


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Re: 100 revolute joints

Post by coppelia »


have you tried with the Vortex or Newton physics engine? With Bullet and ODE you quickly obtain wobbly constructions if you have too many constraints. Can you post your scene?


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