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object IRB4600_joint1 is not dynamically enable
Posted: 19 Dec 2017, 19:54
by Santiago.321
I would like to know how to become object IRB4600_joint1 dynamically enable.
Thank you!
Re: object IRB4600_joint1 is not dynamically enable
Posted: 22 Dec 2017, 17:05
by coppelia
have a look
But the robot model you are referring to is entirely static, since it is anyway not supposed to collide with the environment. Otherwise you'd have to make each of the links dynamic (except for the base), adjust their mass and inertia, and set the joint mode for all the joints to force/torque. Make sure to have a look at some of the other robot models, that are like that.
Re: object IRB4600_joint1 is not dynamically enable
Posted: 17 Feb 2022, 04:39
by pwyq
Hi, I have the same question. I looked at the provided link but I failed to find how exactly to "make each of the links dynamic".
Could you elaborate a bit more? Thank you very much in advance.
Re: object IRB4600_joint1 is not dynamically enable
Posted: 17 Feb 2022, 08:15
by coppelia
In a model, first check if the dynamic aspect is not simply overridden in the
model dialog. If yes, simply uncheck the
Model is not dynamic checkbox.
Otherwise, for each shape that is supposed to be dynamically enabled, make each one of them dynamic by checking the
Body is dynamic checkbox in the
shape dynamics dialog. Be careful not to do that with shapes that are only visually relevant (or rather not dynamically relevant).
Then set all joints to torque/force mode in the
joint dynamics dialog.
Finally, make sure to carefully read
this page about designing dynamically enabled models.