How to read Joystick in vrep child script dans Linux 16.04

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How to read Joystick in vrep child script dans Linux 16.04

Post by miaohang »

Hi there
I'm new to vrep , i have finished a six wheels robot simulation controlled by a Joystick in an environment Windows, which has a good performance. For reading the information of the Joystick, I have used axes,buttons,rotAxes,slider,pov=simJoy.getData(0) to read the information of the Joystick and
numberOfJoyticks=simJoy.getCount() to count the number of the Joystick
Now I'am going to use the same child script in Linux, I got an error for these two functions [simJoy.getData, simJoy.getCount]. I don't know what should I use for replacing these functions in Linux.

Further, I have installed the driver of the Joystick in Linux, I tested with jstest-gtk and it works.
Forgive my english...

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Re: How to read Joystick in vrep child script dans Linux 16.04

Post by coppelia »


unfortunately, the joystick plugin for V-REP is currently a Windows only project. One would have to write a Linux version, or you can use the ROS environment (also see here).


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Re: How to read Joystick in vrep child script dans Linux 16.04

Post by fferri »


you can use this as a starting point:

It uses SDL2 to access the joystick device

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