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How to increase the accuracy of collision and avoid "crossing"

Posted: 01 Apr 2019, 14:49
by potatolige

I am using Vrep(with Bullet 2.83) to simulate a ball hitting behavior of a robot arm. Because the relative speed between the ball and the racket is relative large(10m/s), and the racket is thin (1cm thickness), sometimes the ball just fly cross the racket without collision and returning.

Some of my current setting in simulation:
engine:Bullet 2.83,
configuration: very accurate,
vrep sim step, dt=10ms,
time step of bullet: 5ms

I would like to ask some suggestion to set the parameters of Vrep and Bullet in a proper way so that the collision can be handled. Thank you in advance!


Re: How to increase the accuracy of collision and avoid "crossing"

Posted: 02 Apr 2019, 15:59
by fferri
Position is updated at discrete time steps, so "crossing" may occur when you have high velocity and/or thin objects.
With a time-step of 5ms, an object traveling at 10m/s will move by 5cm each time-step. Either have your respondable shape thicker than 5cm or decrease time-step.

ODE and Bullet have a plane geometry class that allows to specify an infinite plane in absolute coords ax+by+cz=d that would not suffer of this "crossing" problem, but that would only work for a static plane.

Re: How to increase the accuracy of collision and avoid "crossing"

Posted: 03 Apr 2019, 18:08
by potatolige
Hi fferri,

Thank you for your reply. Yes I also did the same thing to increase the thickness of the racket geometry. Now this problem has been temporarily solved.

Have a nice day!
