VREP with Player driver

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VREP with Player driver

Post by fairread »

Could V-Rep possibly become the simulator for the Player driver like the Stage simulator?

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Re: VREP with Player driver

Post by Eric »

I m not very familiar neither with player nor stage but to connect player to v-rep instead of stage, v-rep's Remote API can do the trick with some development efforts.

We developed in my lab a server application (player-ish) to attach a network interface to robots that are using ARIA (from mobile robotics) or simulation of them on mobilesim (stage-ish).
I am working on a way to replace mobilesim by V-REP for our lab robots and I do that using the remote API. It s pretty straight forward.



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Re: VREP with Player driver

Post by coppelia »

Well, I think you wouldn't even need the remote API, just a plugin that does the link to V-REP (i.e. a plugin that translates the messages to V-REP)


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