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How do I stop my robot bouncing off the floor?

Posted: 20 Aug 2019, 11:12
by SimonBirrell

I'm working on a robot simulation and advancing nicely, but I have persistent problems with the robot bouncing off the floor and other objects and zooming off into the void. I've tried adjusting mass, inertia and so on, straying ever further from the real values (it's based on a real, physical robot we've built) and trying different physics engines in search of stability.

Link 1: ... ot-1-floor
Link 2: ... t-2-floors

As an example, I'm linking to two files that are identical except for:
1) Link 1 has a single respondable cuboid object acting as the floor, set beneath the 4 wheels.
2) Link2 has two copies of the same cuboid at the same z height, one beneath each set of wheels.

Logically, the behaviour should be the same. But in the first, the robot is more or less stable. In the second, it bounces off the floor. The robot is dynamic, resopndable and there are no warnings in the scene hierarchy.

Do you have a general strategy for ensuring stability of the robot on a floor, or floor-like surfaces? My goal is to have the robot move on uneven terrain (modeled as heightmaps), but for the moment I can't even get it stable on flat surfaces.



Re: How do I stop my robot bouncing off the floor?

Posted: 21 Aug 2019, 09:56
by SimonBirrell
I think I've solved this by myself. Some links were outside the main robot model and under the floor. I guess there were some weird collisions going on. Thanks!