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Memory leak with b0-based simxGetVisionSensorImage

Posted: 15 Jan 2020, 19:09
by pbustos

I have a simple Python script that read images from a scene's camera:

import vrep, b0RemoteApi

client = b0RemoteApi.RemoteApiClient('b0RemoteApi_pythonClient','b0RemoteApiAddOn')
wall_camera = client.simxGetObjectHandle('camera_1_rgb', client.simxServiceCall())

while True:
a,resolution,image = client.simxGetVisionSensorImage(wall_camera[1], False, client.simxServiceCall())
d = client.simxGetVisionSensorDepthBuffer(wall_camera[1],True, True, client.simxServiceCall())

that continually increases its memory footprint in the system

The scene has a Vision Sensor in it.

Am I doing something wrong?


Re: Memory leak with b0-based simxGetVisionSensorImage

Posted: 16 Jan 2020, 13:37
by coppelia

I think you found a bug... can you add:

Code: Select all

just before the function return in function Subscriber:read, near line 202, and in function ServiceClient:call, near line 235, in file

Let me know if that solves your memory usage problem.


Re: Memory leak with b0-based simxGetVisionSensorImage

Posted: 20 Jan 2020, 17:57
by pbustos
Thank you very much,

it works fantastic now, no memory leaks.
