Parallelogram Robot Dynamically enabled

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Parallelogram Robot Dynamically enabled

Post by Al.mirante »

Hello everybody,

I'm looking for a guide to understand how to build a parallelogram robot like the uarm that is present in the model folder. Currently I have a model of a parallelogram structure that works without the dynamic and with passive joints set to dependent mode. If I enable the dynamic with this configuration, the parallelogram structure fall down. Does anyone know how to deal with this robot?

Thank you.

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Re: Parallelogram Robot Dynamically enabled

Post by coppelia »


that kind of robots is tricky, when dynamically simulated. You have at least two possibilities: you can create the robot as a serial manipulator, and close loops where they need to be closed, using a loop closure constraint. This does not always give satisfying results.
Another option (and this is how it was done in the Uarm example) is to build the robot as a serial manipulator, and close loops by using additional position control-enabled joints, that would apply target angles depending on the angular value of another joint. This is best done via a joint control callback, where you can adjust the joint's target angle in each dynamic simulation step. In the uarm robot model, this happens with joints uarm_auxMotor1 and uarm_auxMotor2


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