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Picking Up Moving Object from Conveyor Belt without using Vision Sensor

Posted: 27 May 2020, 03:19
by alix
Hi Everyone,

I have seen V-REP scenes in which an object moves along the conveyer belt, gets detected at a proximity sensor, belt stops, and then it is picked up by the robot. What if I want to do the same scene but without stopping the conveyer belt, how can we do it without using a vision sensor ?? Using the OMPL library for path calculations. Is there any possible way or any helping scene?

Re: Picking Up Moving Object from Conveyor Belt without using Vision Sensor

Posted: 29 May 2020, 06:17
by coppelia

without vision sensor and without proximity sensor? In that case, you need a way to know the position of the object at any time. With a constant belt velocity and/or cumulated belt movements, you would know this (in addition to this, you can always cheat by directly querying the object's position with e.g. sim.getObjectPosition).

Using regular path planning would work if you ignored the obstacles represented by the object while the robot is moving into position (e.g. by approaching always from the opposite side of where the object is coming from for instance).

Other than this, things get quite more complicated I guess.
