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how to create a smooth trajectory for manipulator?

Posted: 07 Jun 2020, 14:48
by jianye

I'm trying to do motion planning with my 7-DoF manipulator. And I have already the path information in configuration space from path planner.

I want to ask is there a method I can use to generate a smooth trajectory with path information? I've tried with rml Library, but I can only get the different velocity with every path segment.


Re: how to create a smooth trajectory for manipulator?

Posted: 09 Jun 2020, 06:12
by coppelia

what exactly do you mean with smooth trajectory? You can smooth the path itself via various techniques, but then your robot won't follow the exact same path, which could lead to collisions, etc. The difficulty in that task resides in keeping the path still valid while smoothing.
But I guess you probably want to smooth the velocity profile of your trajectory (e.g. start with a constant acceleration, and end with a constant deceleration). In that case, have a look at this post.


Re: how to create a smooth trajectory for manipulator?

Posted: 21 Sep 2020, 20:45
by Hrithik Verma
There are many method like rml , Ompl , inverse kinematic method.
But i tried a simple technique to use inverse kinematic method and make a path for end effector to follow . In this way i was able make a writing robot . Check out the scene : ... -robot-arm
this scene simulation outcome video:

Sml, inverse kinematic method - available in CoppeliaSim software scenes check them out
Ompl method - ... r/examples

if you face any difficulty in understand Lua code than simple use print() to see the stuff inside it and also check related regular Api function and its parameters. If you do not understand parameters than please learn some basic of Lua language.

Still you face any problem than you can contact me.