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"$dirname/$appname" "${PARAMETERS[@]}" crashes on a cluster, sometimes

Posted: 26 Jan 2021, 17:57
by RobAtLab
I'm running batches of v-rep in parallel on separate nodes of a cluster, most of them run fine but some print an error:
QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display :99
./ line 33: 70595 Aborted "$dirname/$appname" "${PARAMETERS[@]}"
where the 70595 is the process name and can be other values.
This doesn't happen every time, just one a fraction of the nodes where v-rep gets launched.
It isn't a huge problem, but in an ideal world I'd have all my simulations running, not just most of them, so I'd like to be able to know what is causing this issue.

I'm not really entirely surely what form of linux the cluster runs, I just know it has the right set up to let me use V-REP 3.5, which is the same version I still use for prototyping saims on my linux desktop too.

This seems to happen BEFORE v-rep has printed any of it's launching text to the terminal. Any idea if this is a v-rep issue, maybe different nodes are set up in ways which aren't as compatible as others? or more likely a cluster issue of some sort?

Re: "$dirname/$appname" "${PARAMETERS[@]}" crashes on a cluster, sometimes

Posted: 29 Jan 2021, 09:40
by coppelia

I have no idea... also very difficult for us to debug that, there can probably be many different reasons to that...
What happens if you add some delay between launching the various instances?
