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Simulating tank wheels.

Posted: 17 Feb 2021, 18:54
by Usama1551
Hello, I am new at CoppeliaSim and simulation in general. my mobile robot uses tank wheels to move around. I created my design in SolidWorks and exported it to CoppeliaSim. I used the pulley feature in soildworks to create the belt for the wheels. Can I simulate movement for my robot using Coppeliasim? I am new at CoppeliaSim and I am short on time for my project I don't want to waste time learning how to use it if simulating my robot is not possible in Coppeliasim. I want to simulate my robot moving around, I wan to simulate in climbing stairs and add different sensors to it. I can show a picture of my design if needed.

Re: Simulating tank wheels.

Posted: 17 Feb 2021, 19:02
by RobAtLab
Probably easier, assuming your robot sims don't need to accurately describe the detailed interactions of track and ground on rough terrain, to just put a bunch of wheels clsoe together (perhaps with non-interaction between them to allow overlap without collision detection between neighbouring wheels if you want them clsoe together) on each side to represent the tracks.

You'll want to use localo respondable masks between adjacent wheels: ... erties.htm

If you space the wheels correctly this will probably be as suitable for simulating stair climbing as if you could truly simulate the tracks fully.

Re: Simulating tank wheels.

Posted: 17 Feb 2021, 19:17
by Usama1551
yeah that was my plan if I could not do it they way I want. do u reccomend any tutorials or manuals to help me getting started with Coppeliasim?

Re: Simulating tank wheels.

Posted: 19 Feb 2021, 10:47
by coppelia
You can also simulate the caterpillar, but that is quite complex and delicate of an endeavour, like in this example.

But RobAtLab's suggestion to use a much simpler approach is really recommended. You can find some tutorials here.
