ROS2Interface Helper Tool minor issues

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Joined: 10 Jul 2020, 17:53

ROS2Interface Helper Tool minor issues

Post by robo_sim17 »


While working with ROS2 and attempting to use the ROS2Interface Helper Tool, I noticed the following minor issues:

1) The customization script during sysCall_init() creates the publishers and subscribers with message type "std_msgs/...".
I believe this type is for ROS 1 topics, where it should instead be message type "std_msgs/msg/..." for ROS2 topics. After doing this replacement, the tool no longer caused errors when dropping into a scene.

2) The model name is "RosInterfaceHelper" instead of "Ros2InterfaceHelper".

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Joined: 09 Sep 2013, 19:28

Re: ROS2Interface Helper Tool minor issues

Post by fferri »


you are correct: with ROS2, the terms message and service have been replaced by the more general term interface, and interface names have to be in the form <package>/<interface_type>/<interface_name>, e.g. std_msgs/msg/Float32.

Thanks for reporting.

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