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Coppelia Crashing, model browser

Posted: 10 Sep 2021, 09:58
by kamtah

Every time I click on a folder in the "model browser", CoppeliaSim crashes and shuts down. The only way to solve this is to reinstall Coppelia, but the problem reappears repeatedly and I am often forced to reinstall Coppelia.

Re: Coppelia Crashing, model browser

Posted: 10 Sep 2021, 10:14
by coppelia

can you please tell me which CoppeliaSim version you are running (V4.2.0?), Edu or Pro version? Also, which platform is it (Windows?)

Additionally, can you make try following: in <CoppeliaSimFolder>/system/usrset.txt, set

Code: Select all

and show us the last few hundred lines printed to the console after the crash. On windows, the console can be made visible in the same file with:

Code: Select all

Additionally, is it possible that the model folders are removed or modified by an external application (e.g. access rights, strange characters in the folder names, etc.)?


Re: Coppelia Crashing, model browser

Posted: 14 Sep 2021, 09:50
by kamtah

Sorry for the late reply, but the problem seems to have disappeared just after my post. So I couldn't print the mistake.
And for the version, I'm on V4.2.0 pro on windows.
Thank you anyway.
