Improving the panning and navigation in CoppeliaSim

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Improving the panning and navigation in CoppeliaSim

Post by Fery64 »


The navigation capabilities in CoppeliaSim is something bellow average. The panning option does not work well if the pointer is not inside the floor area, which means that if you have rotated your scene to view something from bottom to top, and your pointer is in space, not pointing the floor, the panning will become extremely slow and inefficient.

also the zooming suffers from the same phenomenon.

I think if an overall fluency regardless of the floor was possible, or the floor was infinite, it could have been better.

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Re: Improving the panning and navigation in CoppeliaSim

Post by coppelia »


which version of CoppeliaSim are you using? The floor is not transparent anymore, when seen from below.
Then, the panning/rotation only works propely if you click onto an object, since we want to pan at the same speed as the cursor moves, or rotate around the clicked object. The cursor represents the clicked point. Clicking the sky does not give you any depth information, thus rotating around the sky or panning along the sky doesn't really make sense.

Additionally, you might have to adjust the ner/far clipping planes for your camera, if you work in small or large dimensions. The default settings are for most use cases.


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