the difference between cyclic and not cyclic of joint

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the difference between cyclic and not cyclic of joint

Post by xxm »


I am using vrep to simulate the moving of a legged robot. But I don't know how to set the configuration of the joints of my robot.

I set the target velocity of the joints to control the motion of my robot. But I find that if I set the joints in position cyclic and set the joints in position non-cyclic, those two situations have different motion trajectories. The two trajectories are not straight-line, but I want my robot's trajectory to be straight-line. So the two trajectories both are not what I want。

So what are the differences between cyclic and non-cyclic of joints? And how should I set the joints and the sub-joints?

Thank you very much!

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Re: the difference between cyclic and not cyclic of joint

Post by coppelia »


first of all, only revolute joints can be cyclic. When a joint is cyclic, this means it doesn't have any limits (upper or lower), and can freely rotate in both directions infinitely. A non-cyclic joint on the other had has a lower and upper limit. If one of those limits is reached, the joint will stop.
So unless you are operating your joints close to their limits, there shouldn't be a difference in your case.
How are you controlling your joints? Do you have a scene you can share with us?


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