Camera intrinsics params

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Joined: 26 Jan 2024, 16:45

Camera intrinsics params

Post by borgna02 »

Hello, I'm trying to do some Apriltags detection on the simulator but in order to do this I need camera intrinsics. I calculated them using FOV, but I'm not sure they're accurate. Could be great if you add a param to get this values easily. Thanks!

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Joined: 09 Sep 2013, 19:28

Re: Camera intrinsics params

Post by fferri »

Correct, from an OpenGL projection matrix you can only extract focal length (directly related to FoV).

\(f = \frac{1}{tan(\frac{1}{2}FoV)}\)

The other params (center, skewness) are typically zero.

If you want lens distortion, you can apply it after acquiring the image from the sensor. Then you already know the ground truth params of that.

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