The physics engine currently selected is not supported

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The physics engine currently selected is not supported

Post by Klaus »


I've just installed V-Rep EDU 3.2.2 rev. 1 in my Windows 7 laptop and I am getting the following error message:

The physics engine currently selected is not supported (you might be missing a required plugin). Simulation will not run correctly.
There is also the following message in the GUI: "Appropriate dynamics plugin not found"

I have tried using ODE instead of Bullet but the result was the same.

Any idea what might be wrong?


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Re: The physics engine currently selected is not supported

Post by coppelia »

Hello Klaus,

did you have a look at the console window? (you can make the console window visible in the user settings)
There will probably be a message that some plugins could not be loaded. Which ones cannot be loaded? Are you sure you have all the possible updates/service packs? Also, during installation on Windows, there will be 2 prompts at the end, asking you if you want VC2010 / VC2012 redistributables installed. You should do it. If they are already installed, it will ask you if you want to modify them, then simply skip that part.


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Re: The physics engine currently selected is not supported

Post by Klaus »

Hello, thanks for the response.

Actually it works at first, but after I reset my computer it produces that error I mentioned.
In order to make it work again I need to reinstall VREP all over again. Including the VC2010 / VC2012 redistributables.

Taking a look at the console window as you suggested I found out a number of errors, related to plugin and libraries not being loaded. This is what I get in my console:

Code: Select all

Using the default Lua library.
Loaded the video compression library.
Add-on script 'vrepAddOnScript-addOnScriptDemo.lua' was loaded.
setGeometryDp: Unable to set geometry 1024x768+8+30 on 

wClassWindow'. Resulting geometry:  1024x750+8+30 (frame: 8, 30, 8, 

8, custom ma
rgin: 0, 0, 0, 0, minimum size: 114x126, maximum size: 

Simulator launched.
Plugin 'BubbleRob': loading...
Plugin 'BubbleRob': load succeeded.
Plugin 'Cam': loading...
Plugin 'Cam': load succeeded.
Plugin 'CHAI3D': loading...
Plugin 'CHAI3D': load succeeded.
Plugin 'Collada': loading...
Error, could not find or correctly load the V-REP library. Cannot 

start 'Collada
' plugin.
Plugin 'Collada': load failed (failed initialization).
Plugin 'ConvexDecompose': loading...
Error, could not find or correctly load the V-REP library. Cannot 

start 'ConvexD
ecompose' plugin.
Plugin 'ConvexDecompose': load failed (failed initialization).
Plugin 'DynamicsBullet': loading...
Error, could not find or correctly load the V-REP library. Cannot 

start 'Dynamic
sBullet' plugin.
Plugin 'DynamicsBullet': load failed (failed initialization).
Plugin 'DynamicsNewton': loading...
Error, could not find or correctly load the V-REP library. Cannot 

start 'Dynamic
sNewton' plugin.
Plugin 'DynamicsNewton': load failed (failed initialization).
Plugin 'DynamicsOde': loading...
Error, could not find or correctly load the V-REP library. Cannot 

start 'Dynamic
sOde' plugin.
Plugin 'DynamicsOde': load failed (failed initialization).
Plugin 'DynamicsVortex': loading...
Error, could not find or correctly load the V-REP library. Cannot 

start 'Dynamic
sVortex' plugin.
Plugin 'DynamicsVortex': load failed (failed initialization).
Plugin 'ExternalRenderer': loading...
Error, could not find or correctly load the V-REP library. Cannot 

start 'Externa
lRenderer' plugin.
Plugin 'ExternalRenderer': load failed (failed initialization).
Plugin 'Joystick': loading...
Plugin 'Joystick': load succeeded.
Plugin 'K3': loading...
Plugin 'K3': load succeeded.
Plugin 'LuaRemoteApiClient': loading...
Plugin 'LuaRemoteApiClient': load succeeded.
Plugin 'Mtb': loading...
Plugin 'Mtb': load succeeded.
Plugin 'OMPL': loading...
Plugin 'OMPL': load succeeded.
Plugin 'OpenMesh': loading...
Plugin 'OpenMesh': load succeeded.
Plugin 'PovRay': loading...
Error, could not find or correctly load the V-REP library. Cannot 

start 'RayTrac
er' plugin.
Plugin 'PovRay': load failed (failed initialization).
Plugin 'Qhull': loading...
Error, could not find or correctly load the V-REP library. Cannot 

start 'Qhull'
Plugin 'Qhull': load failed (failed initialization).
Plugin 'ReflexxesTypeIV': loading...
Plugin 'ReflexxesTypeIV': load succeeded.
Plugin 'RemoteApi': loading...
Starting a remote API server on port 19997
Plugin 'RemoteApi': load succeeded.
Plugin 'RRS1': loading...
Plugin 'RRS1': load succeeded.
Plugin 'SimpleFilter': loading...
Error, could not find or correctly load the V-REP library. Cannot 

start 'SimpleF
ilter' plugin.
Plugin 'SimpleFilter': load failed (failed initialization).
Plugin 'Urdf': loading...
Error, could not find or correctly load the V-REP library. Cannot 

start 'Urdf' p
Plugin 'Urdf': load failed (failed initialization).
Plugin 'Vision': loading...
Plugin 'Vision': load succeeded.
Plugin 'Wii': loading...
Plugin 'Wii': load succeeded.
Using the internal 'MeshCalc' functionality.

Any idea what might be happening?


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Re: The physics engine currently selected is not supported

Post by coppelia »

What do you mean exactly with after I reset my computer?

This typically happens when some Windows redistributable packages are not present. If you reinstalled Windows, then you will very probably have to reinstall those redistributable packages (i.e. VC2010 and VC2012) again. At the end of the V-REP installation, there are two messages asking you whether you want to install VC2010 and VC2012 redistributable. You need to have that, otherwise some plugins will not work.


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Re: The physics engine currently selected is not supported

Post by hubertjw »

I had the same problem. It happens when you run the executable directly (vrep.exe), vrep fails to load a lot of stuff (plugins, engines). You have to run it from the shortcut (V-Rep Pro Edu in my case). If that does not solve it, try running that shortcut as an administrator.

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Re: The physics engine currently selected is not supported

Post by Klaus »

Running from the shortcut solved the problem!

Whenever I run vrep.exe directly it says the plugins are missing, if i run it with the desktop shortcut created during installation it works.

Is there an explanation for this?

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Re: The physics engine currently selected is not supported

Post by coppelia »

strange. I cannot reproduce this.
What happens if you start V-REP by launching program Files(x86)/V-REP3/v_repLauncher.exe? Also, what happens when you double-click a V-REP scene?


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Re: The physics engine currently selected is not supported

Post by Klaus »

Launching program C:\Program Files (x86)\V-REP3\v_repLauncher.exe
works ok

double-click a V-REP scene
works ok

Launching: C:\Program Files (x86)\V-REP3\V-REP_PRO_EDU\vrep.exe
accuses missing plugin

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Re: The physics engine currently selected is not supported

Post by coppelia »

Thanks for the info Klaus.


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Joined: 16 Mar 2016, 10:42

Re: The physics engine currently selected is not supported

Post by cetigo »

Hi, I would like to signal that with the new version the problem is still there: Launching vrep.exe, this time from the command line, prevent the physics plugin to load correctly, in addition to the previous error another message appears: The ''MeshCalc plugin could not be initialized. Collision detection, distance calculation, proximity sensor simulation and cutting simulation will not work.

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